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Regional Haze 5-Year Progress Report Appendix F Appendix_F_Status_of_Emissions_from_167_Key_Stacks.xlsx (214.52 KB) Spreadsheet
DEC Request Letter for Saint-Gobain NO. 1 Saint-Gobain-DEC-FirstLetter.pdf (293.81 KB) PFOA Documents PDF
Updated Interim Groundwater Quality Standards interimgwqstandards_2016.pdf (122.68 KB) PFOA Documents PDF
Letter to U.S. EPA from VT-NH-NY Governors AdministratorMcCarthy_PFOA_regional_contamination.pdf (186.96 KB) PFOA Documents PDF
PFOA Soil Screening Value -- Vermont PFOA_SoilScreeningValue_031016.pdf (25.81 KB) PFOA Documents PDF
Memorandum: Interim Groundwater Enforcement Standard for PFOA 2016.03.16.PFOA-interim-groundwater-enforcement-standard-1.pdf (597.97 KB) PFOA Documents PDF
PFOA Summary For Legislators: March 2016 PFOASummaryForLegislatorsvFINAL3.25.16.pdf (354.4 KB) PFOA Documents PDF
Proposed Amendments: Groundwater Protection Rule & Strategy gwprs2016 redline.pdf (612.25 KB) PFOA Documents PDF
Emergency Rule Coversheet: Vermont Hazardous Waste Management Regulations 2016_04_14 VHWMR Signed APA forms.pdf (731.63 KB) PFOA Documents PDF
Emergency Rule Coversheet: Groundwater Protection Rule & Strategy 2016_04_14 GWPR&S signed APA forms.pdf (712.57 KB) PFOA Documents PDF