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New Environmental Notice Bulletin in 2018

September 8, 2017

Based upon legislation passed as Act 150, the DEC has redesigned and enhanced the Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB2), an external website for public notices.  DEC issues many different types of permits, and the ENB2 is meant to streamline public noticing across programs as well as increase transparency and public engagement during the review process.  An outline of the new Bulletin provides important information for users of the system.

The ENB2 will post environmental proposals, draft decisions and final decisions made by DEC.  Most notices will represent environmental permits, however, the ENB2 will also notice important issues not requiring a permit, such as corrective action plans and dam safety orders.  Applicants and members of the public will be able to view any activity on public notice as well as make comments and follow activities step-by-step throughout the review process.  The ENB2 is scheduled to go live on January 1, 2018 and will be the exclusive form of public noticing for most programs within the Department.